We have goals for our relationships, careers, finance and also health. They are expressions of our inner desires or what we want form our lives. When it comes to health, we often have fitness and food goals like losing weight, exercising regularly, eating healthier, or making better food choices. Losing weight could take months. Exercising regularly could take years while eating healthier and making better food choices are hard to measure. 


If you are reading this then you’ve asked yourself a version of the same question –

Why I’m not feeling healthy? 

Why don’t I have energy to do anything?

Why can’t I maintain my ideal body weight?

So here are 06 healthy eating habits rules that I want you guys to know-: 

1. LOAD YOUR PLATES WITH VEGETABLES- To build a healthy plate, fill half your plate with vegetables — and, no, French fries don’t count! Choose “crunchy” vegetables, such as broccoli, green beans, Brussels sprouts, and leafy greens like kale and Swiss chard. On the other side of the plate, put whole grains or legumes in one quarter and a serving of healthy, lean protein in the other.

2. EAT A BALANCE BREAKFAST- You’ve heard it before, and it’s true: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating a healthy breakfast is absolutely crucial to help kickstart metabolism, improve cognitive function, and help you make better food choices throughout the day. The ideal meal includes protein, healthy fat, and some complex carbohydrates

3. DON’T STARVE YOURSELF- This strategy is not only unhealthy — it nearly always backfires. If you don’t eat enough calories throughout the day, you’ll be more likely to overindulge at night. When you focus your efforts all day on skimping on food, you set yourself up for an eating binge later on. And instead of sitting down to a healthy evening meal, you’re more likely to reward yourself for being so “good” all day by reaching for a calorie-bomb like a pint of ice cream or piece of cake.

4. ASK QUESTIONS WHEN YOU EAT OUT- Menus can be very deceiving, and even healthy-sounding entrées might be loaded with butter or smothered in a heavy sauce. Don’t be afraid to take control. Ask for details about how a dish is prepared, request sauces and dressings on the side, and make sure the server knows that you’re looking for a simple, healthy selection.

5. CUT DOWN ON PROCESSED FOODS- Not all packaged or pre-made food is bad for you, but you’ll need to read nutrition labels carefully in order to choose wisely. Ideally, you should gravitate toward healthy options that make nutritious cooking easier, like frozen vegetables and canned beans, and skip the meals in a box that are loaded with preservatives, hidden sources of fat, and too much sugar and sodium.

6. SWITCH TO WHOLE GRAINS- When it comes to carbohydrates, brown is better. Whole-grain foods (like whole wheat, brown rice, and oatmeal) contain more nutrients and fibre than their processed white cousins. Not only are these complex carbohydrates healthier for you (higher fibre intake has been linked to reduced risk of diabetes and heart disease), but they also help keep you full longer. So instead of shunning carbs in an effort to lose weight, start by swapping out the white ones for whole grains.


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