You may wonder if it’s possible to lose weight while not giving up snacks. If you choose healthy, whole-food options with a lot of protein and nutrients, snacks can be integral to weight loss. Some can even help keep you full throughout the day and limit your cravings for unhealthy foods.


Why are snacks necessary in a diet?

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics promotes healthy snacking as a part of a healthy eating plan. They recommend choosing healthy snacks ahead of time. Whether you’re a student in high school, a working professional, a stay-at-home parent, or an athlete, everyone can benefit from healthy snacking.


There are many health advantages which include:


1) Improvement in focus, productivity, and reduction in stress.

Healthy snacks provide a boost of energy. Many research studies have demonstrated that students and employees who indulge in snacks during the day had more energy, mental acuity, and overall performance.


2) Effective Weight Control

Choosing healthy snacks help you avoid extreme hunger. Everyone can recall those times when you’ve waited till the last minute to grab a bite to eat because you were so busy at work. What did you end up grabbing? Likely something that was very unhealthy!  Nutritionists recommend that eating smaller meals throughout the day, at 3-hour intervals will prevent the urge to binge eat. This is especially recommended during active times.

While you make sure to have your mid-meal snacks at regular intervals, it is equally crucial to indulge in healthy snacking. This will stop you from reaching for a box of doughnuts or a chocolate bar from the vending machine.


3) Helps Curb Cravings

Blood sugar levels fluctuate throughout the day, but they tend to drop about 3 to 5 hours after you’ve eaten. Consuming small yet frequent snacks not only revs up the metabolism but normalizes blood sugar levels as well. Hunger throws the body into famine mode; slowing down metabolism, which will only increase your weight.

Snacks such as fruits, low-fat dairy products, nuts, legumes, and whole grains contain lots of nutrition giving you a feeling of satisfaction for a long. They also prevent you from succumbing to your sweet tooth or caffeine addiction.


4) Maintains Mood

Food is fuel. Some foods will give you a rush of fuel and crash very quickly while others will give you a slow and consistent source to help you feel alert and happy. Nutrient-poor foods like potato chips, candy bars, sugary drinks, etc. provide a rush of hot fuel. While they do provide a jolt of energy, it is quickly followed by a painful crash which can leave you feeling cranky, hungry, and unable to focus. Healthy snacks provide slow-burning fuel keeping you energetic for the entire day. You won’t experience dips in moods or alertness. In fact, you will likely feel and look like a happier person.

How do you know if your snack is healthy or not?

Here’s one way to do it – check the “Nutrition Facts” label on the back of the product. Here you will be given facts about that particular snack according to serving size. You can expect to find information such as the calories per serving, fat, sodium, sugar, carbohydrates, protein, iron content, and other vital information. Depending on your health concern or focus, choose your snack wisely. If you prefer low sodium foods, then opt for snacks with low or zero amounts of sodium. Similarly, if you’re opting for a heart-friendly diet, then consider low-fat options.


09 Healthy Indian Snacks That You Can Indulge in Guilt-Free!

1) Apples and peanut butter taste fantastic together.

Apples are high in fiber and polyphenol antioxidants that improve gut health and reduce heart disease risk.

Peanut butter may have additional benefits for heart health. It has been shown to increase HDL (good) cholesterol and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides.

That said, peanut butter is fairly high in calories. Although it generally hasn’t been linked to weight gain, it’s best consumed in moderation.

A medium apple with 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of natural peanut butter provides a nice balance of sweet flavor with crisp and creamy textures at under 200 calories. 

2) Dark chocolate and almonds

Dark chocolate and almonds make a rich, satisfying, and portable snack. Dark chocolate is loaded with flavanols that may lower blood pressure and reduce heart disease risk provided the chocolate contains at least 70% cocoa solids.

Almonds are high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and have beneficial effects on blood sugar control. Studies also show that they can reduce appetite and help you lose weight.

Both dark chocolate and almonds are high in magnesium. One ounce (30 grams) of each provides about 300 calories in total, depending on cocoa content. 

3) A whey protein shake is a good snack when you need something substantial until your next meal.

Studies show that whey protein can help you gain muscle, lose fat, and improve body composition.

Many great whey protein supplements are available online. Look for types without added sugar.

Here’s a recipe for a shake that contains about 150–200 calories and 20–25 grams of protein, depending on the type of protein powder used.

Whey protein shake


8 ounces (225 ml) of unsweetened almond milk

1 scoop (30 grams) of whey powder

(140 grams) of crushed ice

For this recipe, combine all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.

4) Dhokla

One of Gujarat’s most popular Indian snacks, it is made from fermented chickpea and rice batter. Dhokla can be eaten as a snack or for a light breakfast. What makes dhokla healthy is that a single serving contains 283 calories, 11 grams of protein, and zero cholesterol. This snack is also a good source of iron, magnesium, and calcium.

5) Yoghurt/Curd Sandwich

Everyone loves sandwiches, and luckily, they make the perfect snack. You can try making yogurt sandwiches at home. Yogurt sandwiches are made from thick curds, whole wheat bread slices, fresh vegetables like grated carrots, cabbage, onions, bell peppers, fresh coriander, black pepper, and salt. One yogurt sandwich contains 200 calories. This delicious snack is low in fat but high in fiber and good amounts of protein. It also contains calcium, vitamins A and C, and iron.

6) Paneer Wrap/Kathi Roll

 This is Bengal’s one of many mouth-watering Indian snacks. A popular street food, when Kathi roll is made at home, it is filled with nutritive benefits. It is made from a variety of sautéed vegetables with chili sauce and wrapped in thin bread made from whole wheat or grain flour. You can opt for a vegetarian or non-vegetarian version of this snack. A single Kathi roll ranges from 260 to 350 calories. Its high vegetable content will give you lots of fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins like A, C, and E. Whether you choose paneer or chicken, you also get ample amounts of protein. 

7) Idlis

A steamed delight from South India, idlis can be consumed as a breakfast or lunch item and even as a snack. Usually made from fermented rice and urad dal batter, you can also make them from many other ingredients like semolina, oatmeal, ragi, etc. Single, medium-sized idli contains just 36 calories, 2grams of protein and 8 grams of carbohydrates. Idlis also contain iron and calcium. This is a perfect combination to keep you full and your blood sugar levels maintained.

8) Baked Samosa

The samosa is perhaps the king of Indian snacks. Although its origins lie in Northern India, it exists in many forms. This delicious snack is full of calories when you opt for the fried version, but luckily a baked samosa can still satisfy your cravings without the fat. A single baked samosa contains 120 calories and plenty of fiber. The potato and peas stuffing will also give you plenty of Vitamin C. Apart from the potato and peas filling, there are other healthy options like minced chicken, minced paneer, or paneer with mixed vegetables that you can opt for. This will not only increase the quality of the nutrients of the samosa but also elevates the taste of it. 


9) Bhel Puri without chutney

A savory snack from Central parts of India, it is made from puffed rice, mixed spices, peanuts, vegetables, and a drizzle of tamarind chutney. To snack this delicacy, guilt-free, you can avoid chutneys and load it with fresh vegetables, nuts, and herbs. A single serving of bhel puri has only 60 calories accompanied by an ideal combination of good protein and complex carbs. Similarly, you can try different chaats made from boiled chickpeas or whole moong.

Some other healthy options that you can snack on easily with not much preparation are –

·       Nuts – A snack that is not only easily accessible but also offers a number of nutritional benefits. From pistachios to cashews to walnuts, and almonds, there is a nut to suit everyone’s taste buds. These are high in protein and good fats that imparts you with sound physiological and mental health. So, grab a handful of nuts to not only curb your hunger but to keep yourself feeling full for long.

·       Makhana – Makhanas is an excellent choice for an evening snack as they are rich sources of protein containing very little fat content. They are easily available in the market. Roasting them dry in a pan (with/without a bit of ghee) and sprinkling some salt and paprika make for a mouth-watering nutritious snack that you must try and include in your diet.

·       Popcorn – A high fiber snack that requires very little preparation time, is the snack to go to when hungry. 100g of popcorn provides you with 6g of carbohydrates, 11g of protein, and 0g of fats. The nutritional facts define the healthiness of this snack. So, be sure to add it to your everyday snacks.

·       Fruit salad/vegetable salad – Mixing a choice of your favorite fruits or vegetables in a bowl with some chat masala is one other snack that can be easily prepared. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber and micronutrients that balance your diet, thereby keeping you satiated and maintaining your weight loss goals in the long run.

  • Boiled chana/ sprouts – A very good source of iron, protein, fiber and potassium that not only provides satiety for a long but keeps you on track with your overall health and fitness goals.



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